Promoting Comics to Readers With a Website Article Poster

Promoting Comics to Readers With a Website

In Practices by Phillip Allen

Many of you have probably heard that if you want to sell comics, whether to readers or retailers, you should have a website. Well, this article will discuss some of the things you what you can do if you’re interested in promoting comics to readers with a website.

Now, there are a few ways that you can do this. You can promote your comic by informing readers of where they can buy your comic day to day. You can also list out the various conventions and other events you’re planning to attend (and sell your comics at). Another alternative available to you is to simply sell your comic from your website like I discussed in the previous article.

To be clear I will not be discussing how to set up a website to perform these tasks.

What I will be discussing is how to directly or indirectly promote comics to readers and retailers with a website.

Let’s begin, shall we?

Informing Readers Of Places They Can Buy Your Comic

You can do this in any number of different ways. Either by using a list that links to retailers or writing blog posts of every new retailer agrees to carry your comic in their stores.

Listing Out Retailers

You can do this by making a list of the different retailers alongside their contact information like addresses and phone numbers.

If you feel technically inclined you can even try using a mapping application that shows your website’s visitors the various location on a map where a reader can find a retailer carrying your comic.

Writing A Blog Post

You can take this option as an opportunity to promote your very helpful retailer.

Say some kind words, talk about what you personally find so cool about them (if you managed to research this retailer and convince him to sell your comic like I recommended in a previous article you'd have this) and make mention of which section you can probably expect your comic at.

If you’re going to take this direction I recommend you contact the retailer and ask for some pictures of their store and of themselves holding up your comic. This way you can jazz up your post with some images (readers love images).

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Informing Readers Of Conventions or Events You’re Attending

Another quick thing you can do on your site is to add some sort of event calendar. In which you list out all the different conventions or other events like book signings at comic retailers where you plan on having your work on display and try to sell it.

With this, you can add excitement to your current and potential readers about having a chance to meet you. As well as maybe score a signed copy of your work or valuable merchandise like a brand new t-shirt.

Make sure to also consider hyping up the entire thing on your social media. Adding links to social media posts encourages engagement.

Small Tip For Promotion Options

Consider creating a poster or graphic for each event or retailer you want to promote.

Whether it’s to show where you’ll be sitting at a convention, or an original illustration detailing what the event is and when and where it’s being held.

You can also inform your readers of what they can find at the different retailers or events. Be it event exclusive merch, variant covers, or even just tell them which comics they can expect to see.

Be sure to confirm any information you promote before you promote it. Marketing something that isn’t being sold is bad marketing and it’s called Bait and Switch. Don’t do it, it’s illegal (in most places anyway). It will also make you look bad.

Encourage Readers to Convince Their Local Retailers

If you still want to encourage readers to go to their local retailers that don’t currently sell your work be sure to include your Order Numbers and FOC date on your site for each of your comics. This offers readers a chance to copy a link and just send it to their local retailers to get them to order some. Quick tip, make it BIG and easy to find.


After reading this article you should know what you can do in order to promote your comic and events you plan on attending on your site.

All of which can help lead retailers as well as new and current readers to purchase your comics with a website.

Don’t forget to also see your options for selling comics on your site!

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About The Author

Phillip Allen

Writer, Editor, and Founder of Unknown Comics

Hello there! My name is Phillip Allen and I'm the writer, editor, and founder of Unknown Comics. I am an aspiring comic book creator. In an attempt to learn how to create my own comic I came to learn just how few reliable resources existed out there. From a few books and unhelpful websites I decided to focus my attention on researching and writing a resource for both myself and the rest of the comic creating industry. This website and and its content is the result of all of that hard work.